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Private Practice currently interviewing for a Permanent Full time and Part-Time position in Southwest Houston. New Grads Welcome Job Details: High-level scope of practice utilizing: VF, Optos, OCT, Topo, VEP/ERG, Miboflo, and Blephex. Full-time doctor's assistant, certified lid hygienists, and technicians for workups. Beautiful 5,000 square foot office with 6 Exam Lanes, Full Scope Optometry, Mentorship Meetings. Accolades include: Cooper Vision Best Practices 2020, Best Optometrist Award 2020, Cougar 100 Fastest Business Growth! Email, Call or text 832-606-9368 - Inayataliod@gmail.com- Preferences
- New Graduates WelcomeTherapeutic CertifiedGlaucoma Certified
- Specialties
- Full ScopeMedically OrientedGlaucomaSpecialty Contact LensOrtho KHigh VolumeDry Eye
- Provided Benefits & Compensation
- Paid Time OffMedical InsuranceProfessional Liability InsuranceState License Renewal PaidBonus Structure