Modern Practitioners Need Modern Tools

OptometryWorks is an online community for both the employment provider and the employment seeker. Find the tools you need to post opportunities, apply for positions, create resumes, review applicants and MORE - all in ONE PLACE.

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Career Advancement for TOA Professionals

The Texas Optometric Association is passionate about assisting our members achieve success in every way possible. We are delighted to present this job search platform to physicians seeking positions within our network of outstanding optometric practitioners. Only members of the TOA who need a position filled or who are seeking a position may search our listings. Any member may list OD positions on this platform, and we encourage job providers to submit details about their open positions. Applicants may directly contact job providers about an opportunity; likewise, providers may communicate with those applicants who have given their consent to be contacted.

The TOA assumes no responsibility for the content, accuracy or specifics in job listings provided by users of this platform. It is the responsibility of applicants and providers to assess the merits of a job listing to see if that particular opportunity is a potential good match.